What Would It Be Like to Live in a Frank Lloyd Wright’s House?


The famed architect’s “Spiral house” hit the market in Phoenix

This famous spiral-shaped house Frank Lloyd Wright designed for his son and daughter-in-law just hit the market in Phoenix. It’s one of nearly 60 of Wright’s iconic structures you’ll find scattered throughout the country, from private homes in far-flung places to others that have been turned into museums. This home is a one-of-a-kind beauty, but what would it be like to actually live in a spiral house? 

The Spiral House is a prime example of Wright’s signature style, but it has a twist in the form of a winding shape that was a prelude to Wright’s most famous spiraling edifice—the Guggenheim Museum in New York. The 2,553 square-foot property features three bedroom bedrooms and four baths and offers sweeping views of Camelback Mountain and special family history. This home offers elevation without an abundance of stairs. In fact, if you were on wheels, you could roll right through it.

Thoughtfulness was at the forefront of this home’s design. Wright planned ahead by decorating his spaces with custom-designed and built-in furniture. This Phoenix home includes a built-in sofa, a dining table and chairs, and reproductions of Wright’s signature “March Balloons” carpet in the living room. 

Living in a Frank Lloyd Wright home lends itself to a comprehensive aesthetic, which may not be for all. Ideally, the buyer will preserve this home for historic preservation. This masterpiece of American architecture is currently on the market.


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